Challenge Your Skills!

Challenge Your Skills!

Platforms That Help You Reach New Heights

Hi lovely readers,

We all need a challenge sometimes, right? I know I do. I’ve tried multiple interactive and fun platforms to level up my coding skills over the years. It’s fun to puzzle and figure out how to solve a coding issue. I want to share them all with you today.

Let’s go!

1. Exercism

I love Exercism. The name might sound scary but it’s a great platform where you can make coding challenges. You can pick between 61 different coding languages. However, the best of all is that with this platform you get feedback from developers with experience, for the amazing price of 0 dollars. You heard it right, mentorship for free!

Does this sound interesting to you? You can visit the website here.

Screenshot of the Exercism frontpage

2. Project Euler

Do you enjoy the idea of making coding challenges that involve math? Do you feel like most challenges are too random and need something a bit harder? Project Euler got you with over 800 challenges.

Sounds interesting? Click the link here to find out more

Screenshot of the Project Euler frontpage

3. MongoDB University

Have you been wondering what working with NoSQL is like? Or do you want to get better at it? Let me introduce to you MongoDB University. You can find all kinds of free courses here from the basics of NoSQL up to the security of your data.

Want to find out more? Click the link here

Screenshot of the MongoDB University frontpage

4. Codewars

Sharpen your coding skills with small challenges called Kata’s, and rank up. This way you can show off how smart you are to your peers 😌. These challenges can go from super easy to advanced and you can compare your answers to other people on the platform.

Are you up for a challenge? Visit the Codewars website by clicking this link

Screenshot of the Codewars frontpage

5. Frontend Mentor

Are you more interested in frontend instead of these backend-related challenges? Let me show you the holy grail of frontend challenges. It’s called Frontend Mentor. You can pick a challenge based on a page that looks challenging to you to reproduce. Then you can download the starter code and get to work to make it look as close as possible to the original.

Does this sound good? Try it out by visiting the website here.

Screenshot of the Frontend Mentor frontpage

That’s a wrap!

Thank you for reading. I hope this can help you in your (future) career as a developer. If you have any suggestions or tips, feel free to leave a comment or contact me on Twitter at @lovelacecoding. See you later!